
MycoEnrich Stimulate root development, Increase mineral and water nutrition & strengthen resistance to numerous types of stress Bio-Fertilizer MycoEnrich is a unique fine powder formulation of Mycorrhiza based microbes concentrate with optimum quantity of naturally derived growth promoting phytocompounds produced by the symbiotic association between a soil fungus Glomus spp. plant roots. Add Your Add

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NutriProtek Micronutrient to increase plant growth MH Grade 2 Micronutrient Mixture Fertilizer NutriProtek Liquid Micro Nutrient Fertilizer For Higher Yield & Healthy Growth Composition Add Your Zinc(zn) 3% Copper(cu) 1% Iron(FE) 2.5% Boron(b) manganese(mn) Os to make 0.5% 0.10% 100% Product Description NutriProtek contains various Micro nutrients which are very necessary for plant growth. It

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EQUALISER Helps to release trapped nutrients and make them available to crops Adjuvant EQUALISER It reduces the high pH of water and soil improves soil’s physical as well as chemical properties thereby increasing yelld. It contains notural and harmless substitute for Nitric and Phosphoric Acid. ingredients Add Your Organic Acid 25% Wetting agents 5% Aqueuos