It is best organic product for fertile soil, overall growth of roots and plants as well as for stress management for all types of crops.
Humic acid
Seaweed Extract
Roasted bentonoite granules
Specific Features
Enhances Nutrient Uptake: Promotes nutrient uptake by plants. It may help solubilizing and chelating essential minerals, making them easily available for absorption by plant roots.
Soil Structure Improvement: This product may contribute to enhance soil structure by promoting aggregation and reducing soil compaction. It helps to create a favourable soil environment for root development and overall plant growth.
Water Retention and Efficiency: May increase the water-holding capacity of soils. It reduces water loss through leaching and improves irrigation efficiency, thus supporting sustainable water management practices.
Increases Root Development: By stimulating root growth and branching, this product helps plant establish a stronger root system. A robust root network enhances nutrient and water uptake, leading to healthier and more resilient plants.
Stress Tolerance and Disease Resistance: Enhances plant resilience to abiotic stress factors such as drought, heat, and salinity.
Applied during Basal Dose Preparation, Vegetative stage, at the time of flower initiation stage and fruit development stage twice. Recommended on all types of crops including vegetables, fruit crops and other horticultural crops.